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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

This week's books are focusing on the oi, ur, ow, ure phonemes. We are also continuing to get help from Victor Vocabulary to encourage children to learn the meaning of new and interesting words. 

Our VIPERS focus is Victor Vocabulary. If your child has fluently read their home-school reading book then you could ask them some of the questions from the VIPERS reading questions (on the main guided reading page).


Guided Reading book: Silver Foil 

Link to phonics: oi or ur ure 

Tricky words: we be you was we are 

Vocab check: orbit cord pure 


Guided Reading book: Leek Hotpot 

Link to phonics: ee oo(cook) recap from last week 

Vocab check: leeks hob hotpot 


Guided Reading book: Zoom Food 

Link to phonics: long oo 

Vocab check: zoom, beetroot, burst of speed, post, pull 


Guided Reading book: Toads in the Road 

Phonics Link: oa ur 

Vocab check: toad, load coach 

Tricky words:we was you they are 


Guided Reading book: The scarf 

Link to phonics: ar 

Vocab check: scarf, knitted, frozen