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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Our staff are Mrs Bradley- Hill and Miss Coombs-Taylor (3P), Miss Raywood (3L) and Mr Sills and Mrs Marriot (3T)

Our team also includes: Mrs Maqsood, Mrs Hussain, Mrs Williams, Miss Patterson and Mrs Dutt. 

w/b: 29.4.24

w/b 6.5.24

Summer Term 

This term, we have so many fun activities planned with our topic of Exploring South America! We will be investigating the question “Could we survive without the Amazon?” and explore the topics of deforestation and the impact this has around the world.

Our History topic for this term is “Who were the Heymann’s?” and we will find out all about who our school is named after and the history behind the Heymann family and their link to the lace industry in Nottingham.

In Maths, we will continue to learn our 3, 4 and 8x tables and it would be great if your children could continue to practice at home; whether this is through Times Table Rockstars, listening to songs on YouTube or even some quick practice in the car! We will also focus on statistics, fractions, time, money, mass and capacity throughout the Summer Term. The KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) for things your child should be able to recall instantly by the end of the half-term is attached below.

This term, after a long break, we will finally resume school swimming! We will also be getting out in the sun to do some orienteering around the school site and learning the rules of rounders. In the first half-term, we will spend some time learning different athletics techniques.

In English, we will be getting ready to sit on the edge of our seats as we learn all the techniques used to write suspense stories! We will also focus on character descriptions and discussions.  

In science, we will be learning all about plants, things that they need to survive and how a plant reproduces. We will get a chance to grow our own plants and place them in different conditions to see how they survive. Similarly to Autumn and Spring Term, we will conduct another Science Investigation Week, where we will give the children a question to investigate and they have to design their own experiment from scratch. In the second half-term, we will explore animals and humans and the nutrition we need to stay healthy.

In Art and DT, our topics will be Pneumatics and Textiles, where we will learn how to colour fabrics.

In ICT, we will continue to learn how to create our own databases to store information and we will use iPads to present information on Book Creator. We will also have some stand-alone lessons where we focus on using the internet safely.

If you have any questions please email the 

Useful links to help with learning:

BBC Bitesize-

Language Angels:

Twinkl –

Top marks – Interactive games- maths & English – e.g. hit the button, coins, place value etc.

Primary resources  -  It’s a site where teachers share powerpoints and activities to teach different subjects. Once you’ve chosen your subject and the specific area, you can then select the appropriate year group.


TT Rockstars -

White rose -

Spelling shed -

Light bot - computer coding -

Internet safety: