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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Why does the school have a Governing Body?

The school has a Governing Body to ensure that it has the capacity to improve and raise overall standards.

Ofsted considers the governing body to be part of the leadership and management of the school. However governors do not manage the school. That is the job of the head teacher and management team. Governors are there to be “a critical friend” to the head teacher and the school.

How do the Governors achieve this?

 The Governors achieve this by:

  • Receiving information about the school’s performance and comparing it with past performance, national averages and ‘similar schools’
  • Contributing to the school self-evaluation process
  • Establishing where the school’s strengths and weaknesses are
  • Deciding the priorities for improvement
  • Discussing and approving the school’s targets and timescales
  • Ensuring that the school has a School Improvement Plan (SIP) that sets out all the actions to be taken
  • Monitoring that implementation of the SIP, largely by receiving reports from the head teacher
  • Evaluating progress and achievements

What are the powers and duties of the Governing Body?

  • Standards - securing high standards of educational achievement
  • Targets - setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement at Key Stage 2
  • Curriculum - ensuring breadth and balance, and delivery of the National Curriculum (including Foundation Stage and RE)
  • Reporting results - reporting on assessments and examination results
  • Policies - deciding how, in broad strategic terms, the school should be run
  • Performance management - carrying out the performance management process for the head teacher
  • Finance - determining how to spend the budget allocated to the school
  • Staffing - deciding on number of staff, the pay policy and making decisions on staff pay 
  • Appointments - appointing the head and deputy head teacher and other staff
  • Special Educational Needs - ensuring the governing body’s responsibilities are carried out
  • Discipline - agreeing procedures for staff conduct and discipline
  • Inspection - agreeing and monitoring the school’s Self-Evaluation Form

Source: Nottinghamshire Governor Services, The National Training Programme for New Governors.

Chair of Governors:

Ms Edge and Mrs Marshall

Heymann Primary and Nursery School

Waddington Drive


Other information on our Governance is available on the Equals Trust website:

memorandum of association -

Funding agreement -

Annual accounts  -

Register of interests for the accounting officer



Weblinks for governors and staff:


SharePoint links


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