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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Don't forget, after you have done your lesson, log in to Spelling Shed!

Miss Whitney's Phonics group: 'wh' like wheel

Watch this online phonics lesson 

After you have watched it, have a go at putting some wh words into sentences. 

Mrs Hussain's Phonics group: Adjacent consonants at the start of words.

Watch this online phonics lesson

After you have watched it, have a go at putting some of the words from the lesson into sentences.

Miss Anderson and Miss Handley's Phonics groups: 

Watch the video below to practise spelling longer, unfamiliar words. This method will be very useful in Year 3 and the video includes a guest appearance from a super spelling expert!

After you have watched it, ask a grown up to challenge you with a really tricky word and see if you can follow the 5 steps in the video to have a go at spelling it!