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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Hello Year 5, 

We hope you are working hard and staying safe. This week the weekly working mats have a little change! You will all now have a Teams login and be able to access the Year 5 teams pages and the One Note documents. Each week there will be two videos on teams from us which set you a task, please complete these tasks and hand them in on the one note assignment drop in to receive audio or written feedback from the Year 5 teachers.

Zoom meetings- 

5L- Monday 4pm- our focus will be mental maths and bingo

5T- Thursday 10am- our focus will be mental maths and bingo

5P will have a different zoom time this week it will be on TUESDAY at 1pm instead of our usual Wednesday meeting time. Our focus will be mental maths and bingo

Please don't forget to send your football shot/trick challenge set by Chris Cohen (look in half term week for the video) to

Enjoy your week and stay safe!