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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Global Links

Heymann school is linked with Wakatsuki Elementary School in Nagano.  Nagano is Nagano (長野市, Nagano-shi ?), the capital city of Nagano Prefecture, is located in the northern part of the prefecture near the confluence of the Chikuma and the Sai rivers, on the main Japanese island of Honshū.

We have a 'talk board' on Japan UK Live where our club are in regular contact with students at Wakatsuki. This term, we are hoping to exchange a box of small things which represent Nottingham and hopefully receive a box representing Nagano.

The two schools are going to exchange mascots. Children will take home the Nagano mascot and take photos of where they take the mascot at the weekends. These photos and commentaries will be posted on the talkboard which will hopefully give children in Japan an insight into our lives. We are hoping that they will do the same with our mascot so that we learn more about life in Japan.


Integrating the global dimension as a theme which links subjects, events and our schools.


We will establish and maintain high standards by:

  • Monitoring and evaluating our partnership
  • Our Headteacher and Community Cohesion Teacher having roles in our partnership
  • Strengthening our partnership as we continue on our global journey 

Educational Objectives

Our educational objectives are to:

  • To develop critical thinking around global issues
  • To weave the global dimension throughout our school curriculum
  • To establish professional debate and discussion amongst all pupils and staff
  • To share and complete joint curricular projects

Values and Principles

Our values and principles are:

  • To develop values in a global context
  • To develop an inclusive learning community
  • To promote open-mindedness and a willingness to learn from the experience of others
  • To value all people as equal and different