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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Hello again Year 2!

We hope you have all had lovely weekends. We cannot believe how many weeks of Home Learning you have done, and yet you are all still working so hard and getting stuck in with the activities that we have set each week! A huge well done to you and all of your families.

In this week’s bulletin you will have received some information about our new online learning system through Teams, where you can share certain tasks with us! We are missing seeing all of your amazing pieces of work at school, so we are very excited to see them! In case you missed it, we have attached the information below.

As well as the work that is set on the mat each week, there are plenty of resources and videos for you to access if you want to do even more! Websites such as The National Oak academy are adding new material each and every week, each one with an online video lesson for you to access, taught by a teacher! They have maths and English, as well as some interesting topic information. It’s all free and you can access it here: We love it!

We have sent an email out to everyone, asking for a photograph of you in your school uniform. Miss Whitney, Miss Handley and Miss Anderson are embarking on a special project to try and create our very own class photo with everyone in it! Please send your email to by the 26th June, along with any photos you may have for the blog too! 

This week's Picture news is all about Money. We would like you to think about; Where does our money come from? How can we learn how to manage our money? Have a look on the Picture News! tab on the year 2 web page.

Any Dads or Grandads? Look away now! It's Father's Day on Sunday! Check out this video for a creative card idea:

Take yourselves over to the stories section on our webpage to decide on what our next book is going to be. Now Miss Whitney has finished Danny the Champion of the World (be sure to check it out, if you haven’t already!), we are eager to get stuck in to a new book! Cast your votes by Wednesday 17th June to decide which book you want to hear next! Keep an eye out for some new shorter stories that have popped up too…

Have another fantastic week, and we look forward to seeing and hearing what you have been up to!

Take care,

Miss Anderson, Miss Handley and Miss Whitney

PS. Miss Whitney's video below is quite long. Feel free to pause it and listen in chunks!