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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Hello Year 2!

Another week has flown by, we are hoping to see a bit more sunshine this week! We are so proud of all of your continued efforts with home learning, you have been doing brilliantly and thank you to everybody who has been sending us photos and submitting their work on TEAMs!

We are very excited to see those of you who are returning to school this week, and those of you who will be at home, keep going with all of your brilliant work! If you are perhaps feeling a little bit nervous about returning to school, it is completely normal to experience these feelings, but you have nothing to worry about. Here are some mindfulness breathing exercises which you can do at home, we have practiced these lots of times in school too!

Below you will find this weeks resources for home learning and have a look carefully at this week's mat as the activities that will be completed in school are highlighted in the yellow boxes, please do not complete these at home if you are returning to school at all.

Our Zoom meetings will no longer be taking place for the remainder of term. Thank you to everybody who joined in each week!

Other ideas that you can be doing aside from the activities on the mat are: Letter Join, the login details are attached below. We have also attached a few more scavenger hunts that you can do at home, we know you have all enjoyed these! There is also an exciting virtual family festival event happening on Saturday 18th July, have a look at the details below! 

Here are some extra links for drawing activities on YouTube too:

Take care and have a brilliant week, wherever you are!

Miss Handley, Miss Whitney & Miss Anderson