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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

We hope that you are all safe and well.

Please find the home learning timetable for this week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) below.

If you cannot attend our Zoom meeting on Friday then please watch this Jigsaw assembly to introduce our new topic of Dreams and Goals here (if you are joining the Zoom then we will go through the assembly together then):



On the timetable, you will find some 'ongoing activities' at the top that you can complete throughout the week. Underneath are the daily activities that we would like you to complete. All of the resources for these activities can be found in the attachments on this page. You will also see that we are scheduling daily Zoom check-ins which will be at 1:3OPM and the year group has been split into Group A and Group B. You will be informed which group your child is in for their Zoom meetings by Friday. You can find the name of the teacher running your Zoom sessions for this week on the timetable and you will be sent the codes for the Zooms by the office. If you cannot attend the zoom sessions don't worry, the lesson presentations and worksheets can be found below, We will only be running a Zoom session on Friday this week.

This week, we are not asking for any work to be submitted to us as we plan and prepare for the week ahead. However, we will be setting assignments via Microsoft Teams as of next week. You should have your Teams log in information on a sticker in the Home Learning Book (the bright green writing book) that we sent home with your child.


This week, we have been learning the 'oy' digraph. You can find a PowerPoint presentation for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday this week for you to continue practising this grapheme with your child at home if you wish.

We will be updating this page regularly so please keep checking for any additional information.

All the best,

The Year 1 Team x