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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

11.1.21 Home learning

Hello Year 2 children and your grown ups!

We miss you! It was lovely to see so many of you on Zoom on Friday. We hope you had a nice weekend and are feeling ready for your first full week of online learning. We know we are! There is a suggested timetable  to show you what to do this week. You will see that we have also made separate pages for different subjects to make it easier to find what you need. Don't forget, you can only do what you can do, and the most important thing is that you are happy, healthy and enjoying time with your family. If you need support with anything please email us at


There will be a live zoom lesson every day from 10.30-11.15. The link for Miss Whitney's group was emailed out on Thursday and is the same as the one we used on Friday however Miss Handley's group zoom link has changed so please look out for the latest link in your emails. This new link will be used all week. The whole year group has been split into 2 groups because one year 2 teacher will be in school. This week Group A will be with Miss Whitney and Group B will be taught by Miss Handley. Our focus in the lessons this week will be English. Please come prepared with your home learning book/paper and a pencil! Every Friday on Zoom we will have a Weekly Quiz! 

TEAMS Assignments

You will see on the timetable that 3 maths activities this week have a star next to them. These are the assignments we would like you to submit via TEAMs. Your child has a TEAMs username and password in the home learning book that was sent home in the Autumn term (on a sticker inside the front page). Please could assignments be submitted (a photograph of the work is great) by 8pm on the day the assignment is set. Teachers will give feedback before the next assignment is due. 

This video explains how to submit homework via TEAMs



Bug Club Reading

Children can now access an online library system called Bug Club. Teachers will set each child a new book to read every week. It will be available by each Monday. The books are colour-banded and will be allocated based on the book band your child was reading before Christmas. There is more information about Bug Club at the bottom of this page. Children can login using their TEAMs username and password. If you are asked for the school code it is heym . The website address is 

Times Tables Rockstars

 All of the children now have their own Times Tables Rockstars accounts for daily practice of times tables. There is a parent userguide attached to this page below for extra information. The children can use their TEAMs username and password to access TT Rockstars and the website to login is here: 

Other information

Twinkl is once again offering free resources to parents and has lots of varied activities if you are looking for extra work to do. There are more tablet and phone friendly games and resources this time and they have divided things by age and subject.

PhonicsPlay have also made their resources free again and there are lots of games to play on there which we often use in school too Username: jan21 Password: home

It can be tricky to think of things to do sometimes when you are at home so we have added some boredom beaters and ideas to get children active to the bottom of this page.

We miss singing assembly! And we know you do too. We haven't been able to do it in school this year, but here are a couple of our favourite songs if you want to have a go at home.

Let's go fly a kite

Down in the jungle

If we had been in school this week, we would have been reading Little Evie in the Wild Wood in whole class reading. We love this story so Miss Kavanagh has recorded herself reading it for you!




Have a wonderful week everybody! We can't wait to catch up with you on Zoom!

Take care,

Miss Whitney, Miss Handley and Miss Kavanagh