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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be


This week is our final lesson of our topic for this half term 'Dreams and Goals'. Watch the video below and then complete the treasure chest worksheet. Your task is to evaluate your dream bird that you made or designed last week for your garden of dreams and goals. This treasure chest is to store all of the positive feelings about our dream bird task and is a chance for you to think about what you might do differently next time. 

Also attached below is an end of unit certificate for you to keep (if you want to) to say well done for all of your hard work in Jigsaw this half term! Children would normally be given this in school at the end of a half term. 




Hola chicos y chicas! This is your final week of learning how to talk about transport in Spanish. Can you remember any of the vocabulary you have learned so far? 

Watch the video again to remind yourself, and then complete the task. Circle the correct Spanish word for the transport picture, then colour it in. You can also draw and label your own pictures in your home learning book. There is some new vocabulary here – en barco = by boat, a caballo = on horseback.