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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Welcome back again, historians!

This week we are continuing to learn about the history of transport. Last week, we looked at bikes in the past. Did you enjoy learning about the Penny Farthing and the Boneshaker?

For this last history lesson, watch the video as the lesson input, pausing when you need to, and it tells how you could present your task at the end.

As this is the last history lesson on transport, we will be using all the knowledge we have built up over the last 6 weeks to answer our main inquiry question ‘How and why has transport changed over time?’.

Task – Create a booklet to answer our history inquiry question:

How and why has transport changed over time?

  1. Watch previous videos to watch (look back at our history pages to click on previous videos).
  2. Use your previous work to help you.
  3. Use the knowledge organiser to help you.

The documents below have all the information and resources you will need. If you have a printer you can print the booklet example format, If not, you can fold two pieces of A4 paper to create a booklet. You can also use previous work to help you write up the information for your booklets.

***Please submit a photograph of your booklet for us to feedback to you on TEAMs on Friday. If work is submitted late we cannot guarantee that it will be marked.***

Good luck!