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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Hi Year 2! 

We hope you are ready to hop back inside your time machine! This half term we are going even further back in time to 1066! That's 955 years ago! This is a topic that we all usually really enjoy in school, so we hope you can still get stuck in learning all about castles at home this half term. Our new enquiry question in history is 'Why was a castle built in Nottingam?' Over the next 6 weeks we will be learning all about what castles are, what the different parts of a castle were used for, different jobs in the castle compared to modern day jobs and also about where castles were built and why, to help us to hopefully answer our enquiry question at the end of the topic. 

This week we would like you to watch the video below and then have a go at the labelling different parts of the castle activity. After that, write a 5-tick sentence in your home learning book about the different parts of a castle and/or about when castles were first built and why! If you are feeling really confident there is a castle card game attached below where you can choose a card and challenge somebody at home to explain what that part of the castle was used for. Then swap over!

Don't forget to have a look at the knowledge organiser below which is a great revision tool. It tells you everything you will need to know for the topic. You could even use it to test yourself on a weekly basis!

Good luck!