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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

We hope you all had fun looking at the many different versions of The 3 Little Pigs last week . What was your favourite ? You were all great detectives on Wednesday looking closely at those clues to try to work out who did it - what do you think ? Want to watch the video again - well here it is , keeping looking closely , maybe you have missed something important. 




This week, we are focusing on some more preparations for your end writing task on The Three little pigs  (please save all of this for our return to school next week as you'll need it!) on Monday and Tuesday.

This video is another way of helping you remember how to use speech marks . This will be very important when we come to writing our newspaper report back in school .




Formal or informal ? That is the question ... or quotation ! On Tuesday these words may help you when you write your quotes from the key witnesses in the pigs story :

Formal and Informal Language | Formal vs. Informal Words • 7ESL

Then Thursday and Friday is linked to World Book Day.  What a shame that we were unable to have our storytelling workshop with Mike this year - but how kind of him to prepare a video with 2 of his favourite stories just for us at Heymann. As Mike says at the end of his amazing story, don't forget to share stories with friends and family so that they live on. And talking of amazing stories - enjoy the BBC live teach lesson based on Philip Pullmans ' His Dark Materials ' What will your Daemon be ? - share this with us back in school next week. 

What animal would your His Dark Materials daemon be?