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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Welcome to the year one page. You will find lots of information about our learning here.

The staff that you will be working with are

 Miss Singh (1T),

Miss Henshaw (1L)

and Mrs Sawford and Miss Nicholls (1P) 

Mrs Dosanjh, Miss Van Kleef, Mrs Bizwas, Mrs Daly, Mrs Ali, Miss Plarkou, Mrs Sheriff and Miss Littlejones will also be working with us.

On a Thursday morning you will be taught by either Mrs Cruickshank, Mrs Everitt or Mr Cook.

Please can children come to school in PE kits on Mondays and Wednesdays. PE will be outside as often as possible if the weather is nice enough. Please make sure your child has a T-shirt that is the colour of their house and school PE kit.

Please also make sure that children bring a water bottle and their book bag (with their reading books and reading record) to school every day

Fruit is provided daily, so they will not need to bring a snack. If you would like your child to have milk please contact the office at

Our curriculum videos can be found below. They include information on homework, assessment and daily routines. 

This half-term our geography topic is 'What is special about London'. 

Click on the 'Talk for writing' tab to see what we are learning in English.

Have you seen this video about our phonics screening check?



This video tells you all about the learning that your child will enjoy this year.

This video tells you all about how we organise activities in year one and has some helpful notes for parents and carers. Thank you for watching!

Feel free to look below to see what areas we will be covering this half term on our Curriculum map.

You can see what we have been doing in school by looking at our blog page by following the link on the right. 

To contact the Year 1 teachers please use this email address:

And we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

We look forward to greeting you at the classroom door at 8:40 am. Please can we remind you to keep children and younger siblings away from our outdoor equipment before and after school. Thank you.

Best wishes,

The Year 1 team x