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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

In PE, we have been learning how to dance and based it around The Stone Age. We started looking at moving to the music this focussed on moving to demonstrate emotions, then we moved onto specific Stone Age dance moves. 

Our 2 key words were looking at are working in unison and cannon. Unison is where everyone in the group must move at the same time and canon is where you move 1 after another, just like a Mexican wave. The song we are moving to is called Ug Stomp - Stone Age Stomp. If you would like to listen to it at home, here is the link - Stone Age Stomp - YouTube

The children have done a really good job at working collaboratively and creating moves as a group. We had to rely on our Stone Age knowledge to help us come up with some actions and moves to use within our dances. When we have finished, we will record our dance and post on our blog. Keep an eye out! 

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