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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Hello Year 4, 


We hope you are keeping safe and well. This week we are continuing with our Wild West theme in English, starting fractions in maths and coming towards the end of our rivers topic in Geography! Zoom A for 4L and 4P will be with Mrs Reed again this week and Zoom B for 4T will be with Mr Murray. Miss Goswami, Mrs Reed and Mrs Jenkins will be in school this week and look forward to seeing some of you then! Have a good week, you are all doing brilliantly, we are so impressed with your contributions on our zoom sessions and we love seeing your hard work on the TEAMS assignments. You should all be very proud of yourselves!


Please have a look on this link for further help with English this week-


Mrs Reed, Mr Murray, Miss Goswami and Mrs Jenkins :)