Happy 1st February Everybody!
We hope you've all had a great weekend and are ready to get started with some more exciting activities. There is a new timetable at the bottom of this page. Below is some more information about this week. There is quite a lot of information so we have tried to organise it in tabs down the side to make it as easy as possible to find:
Wednesday 3rd February is 'Inside Out Day'.
This is part of Children's mental health week. If you are in school this week please come in to school on Wednesday with your favourite t-shirt (and PE kit) inside out! If you are at home, our Zoom focus will be around this and please still wear your favourite t-shirt inside out! The aim of the day is to stop and think that how someone else looks on the outside doesn't necessarily reflect how they might be feeling on the inside.
Monday - Friday, 10.30am-11.15am. Group A will be taught by Miss Whitney this week and Group B will be taught by Miss Handley. Children in school will be taught by Miss Kavanagh. Our focus on Zoom this week is as follows:
Monday - English
Tuesday - Maths
Wednesday - Inside Out Day (as part of Children's Mental Health week)
Thursday - Science
Friday - Weekly Quiz
**Please remember to mute yourself once you have finished speaking to the rest of the group to avoid disrupting the lesson for others**.
Teams Homework
Please submit by 8pm and teachers will return feedback by 3pm the next day (Monday for work submitted on Friday). **If work is submitted late we cannot guarantee that it will be marked.**
Thank you to those children who submitted assignments to us on Teams last week. This week the assignments to be submitted are:
Monday - Maths (Length)
Tuesday - No assignment
Wednesday - Maths (Fractions)
Thursday- No assignment
Friday- English (Apostrophes for Possession)
Please make sure you select View Assignment before submitting.
Bug Club
It's brilliant to see lots more of you have been having a go at reading the books on Bug Club! Every child has now been set a number of books to read to last until after February half term. The more books you read, the more coins you can earn! Earning coins means you can buy prizes, stickers and decorate your house on Bug Club. Once you have read a book there will be a quiz to complete afterwards to check your understanding of what you have just read! Watch Mr Hicking's video below for more information on how to use Bug Club Reading:
Extra activities
- Miss Penfold's HIIT class. Every Thursday at 4pm Miss Penfold is running a family-friendly fitness session on Zoom! The link will be the same as last week, which was emailed to you.
- Field Studies Council (FSC) are offering some free online lessons throughout February. They are connected to the outdoors, nature themed and look really exciting! See link for more information: https://www.field-studies-council.org/primarynaturelive/?ref=email&dm_i=65YE,5EJE,K4NZC,MPLY,1
- If you fancy a good singalong this week, have a listen to 'This is Me' (The Greatest Showman). Can you challenge yourself to learn the Makaton actions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slyf4BszIBk
- As part of Inside Out day - you could have a go at the 'What makes you happy?' activity sheet at the bottom of the page. This can help remind you of things, places and people which make you feel happy on the inside.
- Listen to Miss Handley read 'Wilbie Finds a Friend' below. Hopefully it will remind you all that brighter and warmer days are coming!
We are so proud of you all for how you have, yet again, adapted to our new (hopefully temporary!) way of learning. Keep up all your brilliant work and we are loving seeing you all on Zoom each day.
Stay safe!
Miss Handley, Miss Kavanagh & Miss Whitney