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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

About us

On behalf of everyone at Heymann Primary and Nursery School, I warmly welcome you to our school.  

We are delighted that you are showing an interest into your children coming to Heymann. You can see a short video below to give a flavour of our school. 

We’re a happy, high-achieving school on the outskirts of Nottingham. We put our success down to team work – children, parents, staff and governors working together to make sure that our school remains a happy place to be.

 At Heymann, we pride ourselves on our friendly, lively and caring atmosphere where children grow and develop emotionally, socially and intellectually. We hope to develop a passion for learning in our children that will continue throughout their lives. 

We hope you enjoy looking at our website however a website can never replace an actual visit! If you are a prospective parent who thinks your child could benefit from the rich and varied opportunities at Heymann, we’d be delighted to show you round. Please contact the office to make an appointment.

Lynda Noble
Head Teacher



Values and Ethos

At Heymann, we believe passionately about challenging and supporting every child to reach their potential.

Our aim is to provide a positive, safe and happy environment where our children can:

  • Respect themselves others and the environment
  • Achieve their academic potential and social potential
  • Lead a safe and healthy life
  • Celebrate success
  • Become self- confident, responsible and independent
  • Know and understand themselves