What can you do to help out?
Join the team : We have fun doing the fundraisin-work and the more people in the team the more we can do. Any and all help is greatly appreciated and it goes straight back towards the school and the children.
Support school events : If you cannot join the HSA we also need people at events and any time you can donate helps. If We also need cakes and prizes for events to make the event as good as possible
We will always welcome new members or an extra pair of hands, so if you want to help just get in touch.
easyfundraising : If you shop online this is an easy way to make money for the school. Join the site then use links on to go to your websites and shop as usual. Every time you spend with certain retailers the school gets money back and it doesn't cost you a penny. There is even have a 'Find and Remind" toolbar you can download or an App if you shop on the move. An example of retailers that offer this is below
The HSA are always looking for new members and volunteers. If you would like to receive communications about what is going on at the HSA and the volunteering opportunities available then please email HSA@heymann.notts.sch.uk so we can add your email to our mailing list.