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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

HSA Year Overview - 2016/2017

The school year 2016/2017 was a great year for the HSA with loads of money raised for the school,  lots of great events for the children and adults AND some great causes supported.

Some of the highlights are below :

Summer Fair - Sunday 7th May 11:00-14:00

The 2017 Summer Fair was a great success raising over £2,200 for the school.  Many thanks for all the help and support.  For pictures from the day check out the school blog.

School Disco - 17th March 2017

The school disco was a great success and loads of money was raised and fun was had by all.     Face paint,  hair chalk,  glow sticks and sweets were snapped up and the lucky winners of the raffle prizes were very happy.

HSA Annual Quiz - Friday 20th January 2017

The Annual HSA Quiz night  was a great success making a record breaking profit of £452.  It was a great night and fun was had to all,  a huge thank to our quiz master Charlie and Richard.  

Christmas Fair 2016

The Christmas fair raised just under £1,500,  all the children got to meet Santa and explore the fair and they all had great fun.  Well done to our Christmas Stocking design winners from all the year groups - we had a fantastic amount of entrants and the KS2 looked lovely with all the stockings up.