Our services are available Monday to Friday term time only. We have holiday clubs that are run on-site for Heymann pupils during school holidays. There is no School or Care provision on school INSET days. These dates are published on the school calendar.
Offer of a placement in Nursery is conditional on completion of the full Admissions process.
Any Nursery Care cancellations should be made by email to with 28 days' notice.
The following table shows the current costs of our provision:-
Wrap Around Care Services (Charges will be added to your Schoolmoney account for payment by the 10th of each month.
Breakfast Club from 7.30am
£ 5.50
Lunch Club Care (bringing sandwiches from home) or,
£ 5.00
Lunch Club Care with school dinners @ £2.70 per day
£ 5.00 + £2.70
Day Care, per AM or PM session
£ 15.00
HOOSC (Heymann Out of School Club) up to 6.00pm (NO LATER THAN 6.00pm) | £11.00 per session |
Day Care morning or afternoon sessions
Day Care takes place in the nursery and allows your child to stay all day.
We offer flexibility of Care using the free 15-hours funding for 3-4 year olds, 30-hour Extended funding if eligible, and/or various tax-free schemes. We offer full wraparound care, enabling your child to stay all day from 7.30am to 6.00pm if required.
Children staying all day will need to book Lunch Club care.
The morning session begins at 8:30am until 11:30am. The afternoon session follows on from lunch club and is 12:15pm until 3:15pm.
There are limited places available in each session. If there is high demand for places these will be offered to children requiring the most sessions a week first.
Breakfast Club - Nursery Wraparound Care
Heymann Breakfast Club runs each morning from 7:30am and is based at the KS1 site. Children are given breakfast which consists of cereal, toast or bread, and a drink. They also have the opportunity to take part in various games or activities. Children are supervised by staff and taken to Nursery for the beginning of the morning session. The cost of each session is £5.50. Sessions booked with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged at £8.50 (ie after 7.30am the previous school day).
All changes, bookings, cancellations require 48 hours’ notice and all bookings will be charged for, This requirement also applies to adhoc bookings and cancellations. Due to the nature of the nursery setting no refunds will be issued for absences due to holidays, appointments, cancellations, sickness absence etc.
Please drive through the staff car park barriers to the green gate at the end of the driveway. A member of the staff will greet your child and take him/her into Breakfast Club.
Lunch Club - Nursery Wraparound Care
Lunch Club runs from 11:30am until 12:15pm and is open for children attending nursery sessions. If your child attends a full day Lunch Club is a requirement.
The children may have some time to play outside (or in the classroom if it is wet) once they have finished their lunch.
A copy of the school menu can be found on our website.
Nursery Wraparound Care - Heymann Out of School Club (HOOSC)
HOOSC is our after school Care and runs from 3:15pm until 6:00pm. Children are collected directly from nursery at the end of the school day by HOOSC staff and taken to the school hall.. The cost of each session is £11.00. Sessions booked with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged at £16.50 (ie after 3.00pm the previous school day).
This forms part of the Nursery Wraparound Care provided and is not administered through HOOSC. The charge will be added to your monthly Nursery billing which is payable by the 10th of each month. All changes, bookings, cancellations require 48 hours’ notice and all bookings will be charged for. This requirement also applies to adhoc bookings and cancellations. Due to the nature of the nursery setting no refunds will be issued for absences due to holidays, appointments, cancellations, sickness absence etc.
Children are encouraged to take part in a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. A light snack is included which complements the school lunch menu.
HOOSC COLLECTION - Collection from HOOSC can be at any time but must be before 6.00pm.
Please telephone 0115 923 0760 around ten minutes before you arrive and we will have your child ready for you to collect. Please drive through the staff car park barriers to the end of the drive and wait at the green staff gate. We will bring your child to you.
For all queries, bookings and cancellations please contact Alison Fielding, Nursery Admissions & Administration, by email at or telephone Alison on 0115 914 5035 (select option 1).