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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be



Our Reception

We have three classes in reception in an open plan unit. The unit has three discrete carpet areas so each class has its own teaching area and a central area. At dedicated times of the day children can access the central area where they mix with the other children from different classrooms.

Outside of the reception classrooms is a large outside area where the children can develop their physical, emotional and communication skills.

Each class in reception can have up to 30 children working with one class teacher and usually a teaching assistant.

Please look at the other tabs on our website for more information about school and what our children do in reception. Please see below for an example of a medium term plan which includes the types of things the children will do in the first few weeks of school.

If you wish to apply for a place please follow the links below:

If you live in Nottinghamshire: Applying for a school place if I live in Notts County

If you live in Nottingham city: Applying for a school place if I live in Nottingham city