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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be


                                              Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a lovely break over the Christmas holidays and managed to stay well.


We will be starting this year by looking at what we did in the holidays and how we celebrated special occasions along with lots of discussion on winter and changes outside.

This half term our topic is ‘Why is the tree outside changing?’ We will be learning about winter and how the world around us changes. In a few weeks we will be reading ‘The Little Red Hen' and learning how to tell it out loud. 

On our blog, we will post our weekly talk tasks which follow up on the things we have been learning about/talking about in Nursery... Alongside some suggestions of things to try at home. 
We hope you find these useful. As always- please contact us on if you have any questions.