Hello Year 3's.
WELCOME TO YOUR LAST WEEK OF HOME LEARNING!!! Well done for working so hard throughout your time at home. We are all really looking forward to coming back to school next week and seeing all your lovely, smiling faces again in real life!
It is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March so this week our reading activities are linked around this and the idea of sharing a story. We have had a story teller called Mike Payton record a couple of stories for Heymann; one for KS1 and one for KS2. So make sure you have a listen to those.
See the flyer below to give you some more ideas on how to celebrate World Book Day.
Spanish this week is starting to look at families. Here is a link to the powerpoint and then you can download to listen to the audio -https://heymannprimary.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/Staff%20Room/EadnS1YlydRBpmjOmExE3-wBUY6LJHn-3PbTklEiMvQ3iA?e=jHbFOe
Enjoy your last week of working from home!
We look forward to seeing you next week.
Mr Sills, Miss Bradley and Miss Penfold