Hi Year 3,
We hope you have had a lovely half term and managed to find get up to some fun things but find time to relax. Well done on working so hard last half term, we are all very proud of you.
This half term we are going to be learning more about the Mediterranean and looking at some European countries. We are going to be thinking about what makes them so popular and identifying human and physical features of some different countries.
Our zoom sessions are still starting at 11.30 every day and this week Miss Bradley will be on Zoom A and Miss Penfold will be on Zoom B. We look forward to seeing all your faces on these sessions.
There is only 1 TEAMS assignment this week which is to create some questions to ask an archaeologist. This week on our zoom session we are going to be having a guest speaker who is an archaeologist. You guys get the chance to ask him about his job and some of the things he might have found. It's going to be very exciting!!
Well done for all working so hard last half term, you have all coped brilliantly with online learning and we have been so impressed by you all! Keep up the hard work, you are all fantastic!
Miss Penfold, Miss Bradley & Mr Sills