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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Welcome to the Second to Last Term!

This half term we will keep on working on the children's independence. We want to see them being more independent in getting their shoes on and off, putting on their coats and clothes and also getting the things they need/putting things away with less prompts.

We also will continue developing our counting skills, describing the properties of shapes as well as continue to improve our phonics skills of hearing the start sound in words and blending sounds to make words. (c-a-t is cat!)

This term we will be working on Games in PE in which we will be learning traditional play ground games and activities.

Our topic this half term is about making noise! We will look at the story "a squeaky story", explore instruments, make shakers, talk about sounds in the world around us and go on sound hunts!

Thanks for your continued support.

The Nursery Team