Please see our uniform options below. We have a wide range of second hand uniform available from both school offices at £1 per item. Items
- Grey Heymann logo sweatshirt crew, v neck or cardigan or plain grey sweatshirt or cardigan
- Heymann logo white polo shirt or plain white shirt, blouse or polo shirt
- Black or dark grey trousers/ shorts/skirt/pinafore/leggings/ summer gingham dresses lilac or pink
- Black shoes/ boots or plain black trainers (no logos or coloured flashes on them)
- Warm/ waterproof coat.
- Grey/ black/ white tights or socks
- Hijab (grey, black, purple) available from school office.
For PE:
- Coloured T-shirt dependent on house (Clumber: Red, Kelham: Navy, Newstead: Emerald, Rufford: Purple, Thoresby: Yellow, Wollaton: Sky Blue)
- Black shorts
- Jogging bottoms for colder weather and sweatshirt (any type)
- Trainers
- Bottle Green Heymann fleece with or without logo
- Watches and stud earrings only. Please discourage your child from bringing any valuable jewellery/ watches to school.
- We do not allow any makeup in school
- Plain uniform items are available at very reasonable prices in a range of shops , supermarkets and online.
- All logoed uniform items are available from
- We thank you in advance for supporting the school to look our best.