Hi year 3,
Hope you have had a restful weekend and are ready for another week of home learning. Again everything should be uploaded in day boxes on the right-hand side of the page.
This week is Child Mental Health week so we have got lots of activites that link to this. 3 of our zoom sessions will be linked to this and there are numerous activities throughout the week. The aim of the week is to express yourself and also be kind to yourself.
Last week we lauched Bug Club. Not many children have accessed it so below the letter is attached a short video on how to use the online resource. The username and password should be the same as the one that you have been using for teams etc. e.g FreBlo Cat124. The school code is heym. Please see information and video about this below. http://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
Big Club video- https://vimeo.com/503059642/6e874cb27
Below is the Spanish worksheet for week 2 and maths challenges linked to money. Here is the link for the Spanish powerpoint- click here to see the powerpoint. Download the powerpoint to your computer to get the sound working to help you practice your pronunciation.
Keep up the hard work, you are all doing an amazing job!
Miss Penfold, Miss Bradley and Mr Sills