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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Mrs Bradley-Hill, Mr Sills and Miss Raywood are really looking forward to teaching you all this year and we are looking forward to an exciting term ahead!

Our team also includes: Mrs Maqsood, Mr Parsons, Miss Joseph, Miss Plarkou and Mrs Williams

Timetable w/c 20.1.25

Timetable w.c 27.1.25

Spring Term 
In English, we will be continuing Talk for Writing learning fiction and non-fiction texts. We will be story mapping the model texts, looking at the features and tools used and exploring how to use these independently. After we have understood the tools that have been used in the model text, we will have a go at creating an example together before writing our own version independently.  

In maths, we will continue with our multiplication and division topic where children will be consolidating their knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8x tables. We will then move onto Length + Perimeter, Fractions and Mass + Capacity. Our Spring 1 KIRF (Key Instant Fact Recall) is uploaded at the bottom of the page. These show the facts that the children should be able to instantly recall by the end of the half term. If your child can already do this, there are some extra things to practice underneath that link to what we are teaching throughout the term. 

We will also focus on the Stone Age and how people once lived. During our History lessons, we will explore how life has changed from the Stone Age, through to the Bronze Age and finally the Iron Age. This will cover topics such as housing, food, survival skills and tools. The children will also get the chance to go to Creswell Craggs, which is a Stone Age historical site and navigate their way through real Stone Age caves where artefacts have been found. 

For the second half term, our Science topic is light. We will be exploring how shadows change throughout the day, what the terms transparent, translucent and opaque mean and how light is reflected off surfaces 
P.E will be every Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor) where the children will participate in Yoga, Netball, Gymnastics and Tag Rugby. Please ensure that your children come in their PE kits on these days. They should be dressed in suitable clothing with an appropriate colour top that matches their house team and not a football top or similar.  

In Art, we will be looking at the artist Leonardo Da Vinci and having a go at creating our own Mona Lisa with pastels. We will also be using clay to create sculptures. In DT, we will be getting our chefs hats on as we learn about nutrition, how to stay safe in the kitchen and creating a meal. 

In Geography, our topic is the Mediterranean. We will be taking a closer look at the countries that surround the mediterranean sea and why these countries are such popular tourist destinations. 
For a look at the rest of our curriculum for the Spring Term, have a look at our Spring Overview which is uploaded at the bottom of the page. 

If you have any questions please email 

Useful links to help with learning:

BBC Bitesize-

Language Angels:

Twinkl –

Top marks – Interactive games- maths & English – e.g. hit the button, coins, place value etc.

Primary resources  -  It’s a site where teachers share powerpoints and activities to teach different subjects. Once you’ve chosen your subject and the specific area, you can then select the appropriate year group.

TT Rockstars -

White Rose Scheme of Learning -

Spelling shed -

Internet safety: