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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Welcome to Year 4!


The Year 4 Team

Our Class Teachers:

  • 4P- Mr Murray 
  • 4L- Miss Griffiths
  • 4T- Miss Goswami (Monday–Wednesday) & Mrs Reed (Thursday and Friday)

Our team also includes:

  • Mrs Hussain
  • Mrs Maqsood
  • Miss Daly

On Wednesday afternoons, your child will be taught by either Señora Cameron (Spanish), Mrs Marriott (RE) or Mrs Bielecka (environment), on a four week block rotation.


Our Parent Curriculum Video

Should you need to contact us about your child and their learning, please use the year four email address Please note that we will try to check these emails two or three times a week and respond when we are able to.  If you need to contact school about a more urgent matter, please contact the office as usual.


Weekly Timetable- w/b 20th January- 4P


Weekly Timetable- w/b 20th January- 4L


Weekly Timetable- w/b 20th January- 4T



Our Current Topics:

English- Action Portal

Maths- Multiplication and Division

Science- States Of Matter

History- Ancient Egyptians

PE- Basketball and Gymnastics

Jigsaw (PSHE)- Dreams and Goals

ICT- Digital Art

For a look at the rest of our curriculum for the Spring Term, have a look at our Spring Overview which is uploaded at the bottom of the page.



Each week, children will be given a list of spellings to learn plus a task to complete with these words.  They will also be expected to use Spelling Shed to practise these words. There will also be a weekly Maths Shed task to complete online.  Some weeks there will also be additional topic homework in order to enhance their learning in areas like art, history or geography. 

Homework will be set every Friday and should be completed and handed in by the following Thursday.

Please support your child in completing homework and returning their homework book on time each week.


Each week Maths Shed homework will be set to be completed by Friday. The children have all been given an EdShed login which will be inside their homework books. The Maths Shed homework set will be focused around our current maths topic.

KIRF stands for Key Instant Recall Facts and the main focus of these is mental calculation. Children have an Autumn term 1 sheet in their homework books with key mental arithmetic facts that they can practice at home and refer to throughout the half term. 


Each week the children have Spelling Shed homework which will be set to be completed by Friday. The children have all been given an EdShed login which will be inside their homework books. 

Alongside Spelling Shed, we also have weekly spelling lessons in which we support children to use a range of different spelling strategies.

Talk Times:

Each term the children will have homework of completing a 'talk time'- this term's theme is their hobbies. The children could also have a PowerPoint, poster or performance to go alongside their presentation. We can't wait to hear all about their hobbies!


Handwriting Practice

We will be having focused handwriting sessions in school to aid the children in their learning of this key skill. Any support you can provide at home is much appreciated.



This term, PE will be on Tuesday and Friday - please can children come to school in their PE kit, in their correct house coloured t-shirt.


Useful Websites


Maths Frame-  Interactive maths resources e.g. moveable clock, weighing scales, capacity etc. Choose your topic and then play the game to have a play with reading scales and learning maths interactively.

Times Table Rockstars-

Hit The Button-

Daily 10-



Spelling shed - - Spellings will be set weekly for the children to practice. You could get the children to write their spellings in sentences to show understanding and practice spelling rules.



BBC – and the normal BBC website - great for lots of things and video clips relating to the topics of the Anglo-Saxons and Ancient Egyptians.

YouTube- - don’t underestimate this one!

Top Marks – Interactive games (Maths & English) –



E Safety:
Times tables: