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Heymann Primary & Nursery School

Inspiring and motivating our children
to be the best they can be

Welcome to Year 5's Page!

The teachers in Year 5 are as follows:

5P - Miss Bussey and Mrs Marriott (Thursday PM)

5L - Miss Sheikh

5T - Miss Johnson

Essential information for the start of the 2024 / 25 year...

  • PE days are Monday & Thursday. Children to come to school in their PE kits on those days. Please remember to also wear a school jumper / cardigan on top as PE tops can only be worn during the PE lesson (not throughout the day).
  • No equipment / pencil cases are needed from home - children will be given all the equipment that they need and a new pencil case at the start of the year.
  • Class and school books should go between home and school each day (using the plastic wallet provided) so that children can be supported with reading at home and at school.
  • Homework will be given out every Thursday (spelling should be done in books or online) to be completed and handed back in for the following Wednesday. There will be a test on spellings on the Wednesday. This week's homework is below:

Spring Term 1 in Year 5 

This half-term our topic is History-based. We will be learning about Ancient Greece and investigating the legacies that the Ancient Greeks left behind. Below is our knowledge organiser to support the learning and it is also available to download from the bottom of the page. If you can support your child to learn this key knowledge, that would be great. They will also have a copy of this knowledge organiser in their homework books.

Get in contact with us!

Should you need to contact us about your child and their learning, please use the year 5 email address - please note that we will try to check these emails two or three times a week and respond when we are able to.  If you need to contact school about a more urgent matter, please contact the office as usual.


PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children to come to school in their PE kits on those days or bring their swimming kit if relevant. Please remember to also wear a school jumper / cardigan on top as PE tops can only be worn during the PE lesson (not throughout the day).


Each week, children will be given a list of spellings to learn plus a task to complete with these words.  They will also be expected to use Spelling Shed to practise these words. In addition, there will be a weekly task to complete online or on a sheet.  Some weeks there will also be additional topic homework in order to enhance their learning in areas like art, history or geography. 

Please support your child in completing homework and returning their homework book on time each week. 

Homework will be set every Thursday and should be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday.

Children should continue to use Times Tables Rock Stars regularly to keep their recall of times tables sharp.  We will check their progress on this regularly and celebrate successes whenever we can.

Our modern foreign language focus is Spanish and we attach the Knowledge Organiser for this term, which will also be sent home in their homework books. If you are able to quiz your child on this at home, that would be a great way to supplement their learning in school.

Handwriting Practice

We will be having focused handwriting sessions in school to aid the children in their learning of this key skill. Any support you can provide at home is much appreciated.

Useful Websites

Maths a range of resources available for every maths objective on the curriculum As well as the tasks we are setting you, don't forget there is a whole bank of games to play to practise your maths skills.  Plus, you have the option to repeat previous homework tasks in order to improve on your score.  Interactive maths resources e.g. moveable clock, weighing scales, capacity etc. Choose your topic and then play the game to have a play with reading scales and learning maths interactively.


Spelling shed - - Spellings will be set weekly for the children to practice. You could get the children to write their spellings in sentences to show understanding and practice spelling rules. A picture a day with lots of support for producing a piece of super creative writing.  If you don't like the picture for that day, go back and look at the archive of previous images.



BBC – and the normal BBC website - great for lots of things and video clips relating to their respective topics.

You tube- - don’t underestimate this one! Horrible Histories: Start watching episodes about the Ancient Greeks!

Top marks – Interactive games- maths & English –