Welcome to Year 6!
Autumn term 2024
Welcome to year 6...what an exciting year we are going to have!
Meet the year 6 staff team
Our teachers in Year 6 are Mr Arch & Miss Coombs-Taylor (6P), Miss Penfold (6L) and Mrs Johnson (6T). We are lucky to have lots of other staff working with us as well so please watch our Curriculum Video below.
Maths Challenge - the Four Fours
Please see below for the sheet with solutions we have found so far. Can you find any more?
Geography Topic - Planet in Peril
We will be exploring the environmental issues currently facing Earth and exploring what we can do as 'humans' to help with this. |
Parent Curriculum Video
Please spend some time watching our curriculum video. This will give you an overview of life in year 6, the curriculum we will be covering, details of exciting year 6 events and ways you can support your child during this important last year at Heymann:
Dukes Barn
Please come to school for this half-term in PE kit on Wednesday & Friday.
This should be:
- The correct colour t-shirt for the house they are in
- Trainers
- Black or navy shorts/leggings
- Sweatshirt for outdoors
- Track suit bottoms for outdoors
If children come to school in their kit, they should be wearing their school jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan over the top and bringing their sweatshirt top to change into for outdoor PE.
This will be set on Thursday and then handed in on the following Wednesday with a spelling test also on Wednesday. Each week there will be spellings and maths homework. The maths will be set on Maths Shed on alternate weeks. The rest of your homework should be completed in your homework book. Science homework is set fortnightly. We will occasionally set homework linked to our topics but will allow for this by not setting other work at the same time.
Maths - KIRFS
This year we will be sharing half termly support sheets for maths called KIRFs. This stands for key instant recall facts. Please click on the KIRFs tab to see this half term's. These should help you to focus on some important facts which you need to know off by heart for success in maths.
Useful Websites
We highly recommend the website http://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk as it has a constantly updated recommended reads list, including synopsis and book extracts to see if you like it! There are age-appropriate book recommendations on the left-hand side.
Maths Shed https://www.mathshed.com/en-gb/
Timestable Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/login
Touchtyping https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z3c6tfr
Spelling Shed https://play.edshed.com/login
BBC bite-size https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn
Oak Academy: https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-year/year-6