Hi Year 3,
Welcome back to home learning. Here is your first home learning mat for the Spring term.
Maths is carrying on with multiplication of 3 and 4 times tables and looking at arrays and a special word called commutative. Your maths lessons this week will be through National Oak Academy and the link for the specific lesson is on the timetable. We are looking at Lesson, 2, 3 and 4 this week. Multiplication and division - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Try the maths challenges for this week to apply your knowledge of multiplying by 3 and 4.
In English, we are starting to look at instructions and there are 2 lessons to find out the features of instructions and then give it a go writing a set of simple instructions using a video.
For topic, we have got a History lesson which is following on from Monday's lesson, a Spanish music lesson which focuses on listening to and learning about Spanish Flamenco music and we will finish the week off with a Jigsaw lesson. We are starting our new topic called Dreams and Goals.
At the top of the timetable is a section called on-going activities. These are activities that you can access throughout the week such as times tables and daily reading, It would be great if you could try to fit some form of exercise into your day to keep your body and mind fit and healthy.
Miss Penfold, Mr Sills and Miss Bradley