Hello year 5.
Hope you are all keeping well and been working hard this week. Even though the weather has not been as nice we hope you've been out and about and keeping fit.
This week we have changed the maths a little bit and put in some revision of Roman Numerals. Try to think back to your year 4 days when you learnt them. Remember nothing taught in maths should be forgotten. We always refer back to topics you should be remembering. Here is the link to the Roman Numerals lesson video.
If you would still like to follow this week's White Rose lessons, you will find the worksheets on the White Rose Maths page as usual.
It will be our last zooms in year 5 this week as the following two weeks we will hopefully be seeing some of you in school. How exciting!
Hope you enjoy the work set. A little hint when completing your English writing. Please remember to include the grammar you've been taught - capital letters, full stops, commas in the correct places. Here is the link to the King Midas lesson video.
Take care from the year 5 teachers.
On TT Rock Stars this week we have set up battles between the three classes. Some of you are very good at using TT Rock Stars each week in order to keep the recall of your times tables facts quick and accurate. However, there are many of you not going on regularly. Everyone needs to log on this week and play for their class band. You can play in any game types and all points will go towards helping your class to be victorious. As of Monday at 1pm, the scores were like this:
5L seem to have made a strong start but this could all change! You have until Friday at 7:30pm to play your part. The final results will be displayed on next week's web page. If you have lost or forgotten your login details, email year5-teachers@heymann.notts.sch.uk and we will send them to you.
Good luck everyone! May battle commence!