Hi Guys!
🌈Here we are for our final week of home learning before the summer holidays. We cannot believe we are on our 15TH home learning menu!
We are so unbelievably proud of all the work you have you have done both in Nursery and at home. You are all AMAZING! 🌈
⭐There are no teams assignments this week as we would usually be having lots of fun and games in school… So please make sure you celebrate all your hard work and achievements at home too! ⭐
📸You have been such a fabulous cohort and we are so sad we haven’t been able to see you all person. We hope you have a lovely, fun filled summer.
Feel free to email us snaps to nursery-teachers@heymann.notts.sch.uk 📸
😊❤️Big virtual hugs and high fives from all of us in Nursery 😊❤️