We have had great fun filming our Reception Nativity. Thank you so much for sending in the clothes for the children to wear - they look great. We are spending this week editing the film and adding photos of the children's work. It will be available to watch by you in the last week of term.
We will continue to review and revisit the vowel phonemes from phase 2 focussing on 'o' and 'u'. Look out for the next homework in their book bag. We will also send home the next Tricky Word Tracker with new words for the children to learn to read and spell.
Book of the week: Stick Man
English: the children will be reviewing their first term at Heymann and completing a 'Record of Achievement' sheet. This will go in a special folder along with a piece of maths work from this term. This folder would normally be sent home for you to look at and then returned to school each term. At the end of Year 6 they will then have a record of work from their whole time at Heymann.
Maths: repeating patterns - continuing and creating their own.
Communication and Language: talking about the Nativity story and how people celebrate Christmas
Creative; making Christmas decorations, snowflakes and paper chains. Role play - Santa's Grotto, home corner and Santa's Post Office.
PE: Fun Run
Understanding the world. - Winter weather, Christmas story